Thirst induced lucid dreaming (or the ‘TILD technique’), can be an effective way to become self-aware during a dream, although there are certainly precautions to take with this type of lucid dreaming method. Therefore it may be best advised that this technique only be used as a ‘last resort’ when other lucid dream induction techniques have been exhausted.
The ‘thirst technique’ was developed by American writer and paranormal enthusiast, Sylvan Muldoon (1903-1969). According to Muldoon & Carrington (1970), thirst is the most effective/speediest stressor in the stimulation of unconscious will. Although Muldoon was concerned with the phenomenon of astral projection, it is clear that his theory has an application in the induction of lucid dream states. The prime requisite is to ‘impress’ an activating factor or stressor (i.e. thirst) so strongly upon the subconscious mind that it retains this impression during sleep.
Quite simply then, the main principle of TILD is the induction of lucid dreaming by making yourself feel really thirsty at the point you fall asleep. TILD is both a motivator and a good way to start a reality check when you’re actually in a dream. You should start by providing the ‘motivation’ for yourself – by depriving yourself of hydration before sleep. Do not drink anything for several hours before bed, so that you become really thirsty – you may wish to intensify your thirst by eating something especially spicy, salty or dry – such as plain crackers, dry-roasted peanuts or chilli. Do not do anything to quench your thirst when you fall asleep at first. You’ll want to sleep about five or six hours so you can get out of the delta (deep sleep brainwaves) phase. Then, make yourself wake up – perhaps by an alarm, if possible, and if necessary at this stage, you are able to take a bathroom break. You may wish to consume more salty or spicy foodstuffs as well, to further intensify your thirst. In any event, you should fill a glass with cold water and place it beside your bed. Do not consume any, but just think about how refreshing and satisfying it would be to drink the water. Since you know you aren’t drinking anything in real-life, you’ll want to do a reality check whenever you find yourself drinking something as the chances are likely that this will be one of the first things your unconscious mind ‘gives’ you in a dream. The reality check will demonstrate to you whether you are now in a lucid dream. TILD offers you greater motivation to become lucid, particularly if you tell yourself you’ll have to repeat the technique if you do not succeed at becoming lucid during your dreams. It also makes for a great reality check, since you’re almost guaranteed to dream about drinking when you’re extremely thirsty.
TILD can be a helpful technique for healthy individuals who do not mind using more extreme lucid dreaming techniques. If you’re really having trouble becoming lucid, this can be more effective than either reward induced or punishment induced lucid dreaming (RILD and PILD – posts on these topics will follow). However, people with certain health conditions should certainly avoid using the TILD technique – i.e. persons likely to be adversely affected by short periods of intense dehydration and/or intake of salt. Even for healthy people, this is not a technique recommended for everyday use.

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