Saturday 15 October 2016


'Sex Offender in the House'
Date: 12 October 2016
Time: 00:30 - 07:15 (I woke up from this dream naturally)
Type of dream: Normal dream
Dream recall: Normal recall

This dream is part of my Dream Incubation Experiment - Eminem / Marshall Mathers III Dream - click HERE (post will open in a new window) to see the details of this Dream Incubation Experiment, including the methodology and results of previous Dream Incubation Experiments.

Scene 1: An Interior (My House in the Dream) - Night
I was in a house which in the dream was my family home. My Mum and my Stepdad lived there with me. It looked like a normal family home, except it was much bigger than any I have previously lived in. 

I was in the house with my family and some other dream characters, who I cannot recall, although I did have a male friend with me - someone who I am close to in real life. I became aware that a rapist or paedophile had been invited over to the house - some kind of sex offender anyway. He was a white man with dark hair, which was greying. He had a long, thin face and was tall and lean in build. He looked scruffy - he was wearing dark clothes. I would guess his age as being in his 50s. I saw him up close through a window which had lead panelling - so the window was separated into little squares of glass, Tudor-style. I knew it was night at this point in the dream, because I saw it was dark outside the window and I seemed to be aware that it was night as well, in my own mind.

I was scared and the male friend was too. We started to think of ways to stop his getting inside the house, but it was too late, he was inside. We debated whether to call the police or not, but we weren't sure if it was a good idea because my friend was reminding me: 'He was invited over as a guest' and he had not committed a crime (yet).

We kept walking around the house and noticing that the sex offender was casually following us from room to room and up and down the stairs, even though he  did not say anything or do anything. This felt terrifying. 

I then became aware that my Mum and Stepdad were packing suitcases in the lounge, which I could see from a mezzanine level (the top floor was a mezzanine floor - I have never lived in a house with a mezzanine floor before). I wondered what they were doing, and went downstairs. They told me they were going on holiday - they started to walk out of the house and get into the back of  taxi. I became aware that night had become day - it was sunny outside. I begged my parents to stay and said: 'You're leaving me alone with a sex offender!' They did not seem to care - they were happy and laughing as if nothing was wrong.

I went back into the house and my male friend told me that he had decided to call the police and ask them to remove the sex offender from the house. I could not see the sex offender at this stage, but I was aware that he was still in the house. I felt relieved that my male friend had called the police. I was aware that I was wearing a white top and miniskirt - I think this was the first point in the dream I realised what I was wearing.

I decided to go and do some laundry. I went into a small laundry area in the kitchen. I was sorting out clothes in the white laundry basket which was beside the wall and a washing machine, when the sex offender suddenly entered the room in a very rapid was. His face popped up close to my own in an almost cartoon way. I was terrified and froze. I could not scream. The sex offender then raped me, and I woke up as this happened. 

Extra Information: 
None of note

Recurrent Dream Themes: 

  • My Mum as a dream character

  • I lived in a family home with my parents - not a home I have ever lived in
  • A sex offender was invited into the home
  • Night became day when I walked outside

Day Residue: 
  • On the day of this dream I had been watching a Louis Theroux documentary - LA Stories: Among the Sex Offenders (2014) which involved Louis interviewing a former sex offender who ran a housing complex for others convicted of sex crimes, who have to be placed outside of communities for child protection
  • The day before this dream DL had been describing a flat in his building which has a mezzanine level

Waking Reactions: 
This dream did not reference my Dream Incubation Experiment or Eminem. This was a horrible dream - because obviously it involved a horrific sexual offence against me at the end, which was powerful enough to wake me instantly; but also because I felt let down by the dream characters - they did not seem concerned for my safety. My parents had decided to leave to go to hospital and my male friend had delayed calling the police. I had sensed the danger from the outset. I did not feel upset or distressed after the dream; it did not trigger any negative waking thoughts or feelings, as I have been subjected to sexual offences in real life and I don't trigger easily as a result of coming to terms with instances in my own life. However, the emotions experienced within the dream were intense and unsettling for the first part and then extremely traumatising at the very end.

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